Comments and Complaints

The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) provides services for, or deals with enquiries from, members, students, professionals, members of the public, partner bodies and others. We hope to provide the level of service that people have a right to expect.


If you feel that you have had a particularly good service from IPEM, or an individual member of staff or a team has been particularly helpful to you, please do let us know by emailing, or writing to the Chief Executive Officer (Philip Morgan, CEO, Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York YO24 1ES). We would like to pass on your compliments to the individual or team involved and try to spread their good practice across the organisation.


If you feel we have not provided a good service, then we want to know about it so that we can put things right and so that we can improve our systems and processes for the future.

IPEM will monitor, record, take seriously and deal promptly with any complaints received. If necessary, IPEM will improve internal operations to rectify any weaknesses highlighted by the complaint.


We try to resolve problems informally first. Where there is a problem, please contact Claire Sharpe, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, in the first instance and explain why you are unhappy and what action is needed. This can be done by telephone (ring 01904 610821) or in writing (email Claire will be able to identify the person or the section who provided the service and get a response to your enquiry. We will try to resolve the matter for you as quickly as we can, and within 5 working days at most.

If your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved informally, the following process will apply:

Formal complaints for example standards of service delivery, failure of processes or quality of performance, or an individual’s conduct, should be made in writing, by letter or e-mail, preferably within one month of the occurrence causing the complaint. Please identify:

· The nature of the complaint.

· Who has been involved so far?

· What has/has not been done.

· Why you are not satisfied with the outcome.

· How you would like to see the matter resolved

· Your name and address, and how we should get back to you.


Sometimes we may need to ask for additional details – we will ask you to supply these within fifteen working days. The CEO will then investigate your complaint, and the circumstances surrounding it, and provide a formal response to your complaint within twenty-five working days of

receipt of full information. If you are not satisfied with this response, the matter will be referred to IPEM’s Board of Trustees, whose decision on the matter will be final.

Contact for complaints:

Please email any formal complaint to the CEO Philip Morgan ( or send by post to: Chief Executive Officer, IPEM, Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York YO24 1ES

If your complaint concerns the actions of the CEO or of a Trustee, it will be handled by the Board of Trustees. In this case, please send your complaint to the Honorary Secretary via, or to the address above, marked for the attention of the Honorary Secretary. If the Trustee is also a member of IPEM, the complaint may be referred to the Institute’s Professional Conduct Committee, if appropriate.

All formal complaints will be acknowledged by return. A record of all formal complaints received will be kept by the CEO and reported quarterly to the Trustees.