IPEM Strategy

IPEM 2030

IPEM’s 2030 strategy builds on our previous strategy that promoted professional development, community and leadership, which will continue to be priorities for the organisation. 

By 2030, IPEM will be a highly relevant and influential organisation, shaping public policy, acknowledged as the leading voice for our professional members and the driving force behind innovations in healthcare. 

By collaborating with our community of expert members, IPEM aims to develop the professional by providing, promoting and advocating for high quality training, education and CPD. The expertise of our members is also vital to the crucial role IPEM plays in ensuring the highest quality standards across healthcare, industry and academia, including in areas of safety, ethics, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. 

Uniquely, IPEM represents a professional group of scientists, engineers, and technologists in clinical, industrial and academic employment. IPEM’s charitable object is: To promote for the public benefit the advancement of physics and engineering applied to medicine and biology and to advance public education in the field. 

Mission Improving health through Physics and Engineering in Medicine  

Vision Developing the professional, improving healthcare, transforming lives together  

To achieve this, we are a membership body which seeks to advance professionalism, a learned society offering education, training and development resources and an advocating voice on behalf of our members. 

IPEM’s members create communities of practice through which resources, professional development support and practice development are created. These support the professional and professionals through: 

  1. Professionalism – validation of skills, knowledge and experience, public assurance on standards, commitment to continuous learning 
  1. knowledge in practice – access to resources and networks 
  1. innovation in healthcare – research, development, and science leadership  

In addition, IPEM creates value by promoting public policies that will improve service delivery (for example, advocating investment in workforce training and reducing vacancy rates).