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The Science, Technology and Engineering Research and Innovation Council (STERIC) is a strategic council and leads IPEM’s scientific, academic, innovation and research activities. This includes interaction with IPEM’s Special Interest Groups, the Editor-in-Chief of IPEM’s Report Series, and the Events Panel to oversee all areas of research and development, project work, knowledge creation and output across IPEM. STERIC also approves Task and Finish Group proposals and technical and scientific output, and oversees implementation of the Science Leadership Strategy.

Committee Members 2023-2024

Director - Dr Mohammad Al-Amri
Deputy Director - Dr Fiammetta Fedele 

Member - Dr Michael Drinnan
Member - Dr Anthony Scott Brown
Member - Dr James Harkin
Member - Dr Wendy Hyland
Member - Mr George Bruce
SIG Chair Representative - Dr Robert Ross 

IPEM Director of Policy & Impact - Dr Jemimah Eve

Events & Conferences Manager - Catherine Toon

Professional Knowledge & Innovation Manager - Jennifer Cannon

Upcoming meetings

Friday 12th July 2024