Grants & the Physics Benevolent Fund

Open year round to IPEM Members

We offer funding in the form of grants to IPEM members for the advancement of their personal and professional development. 

IPEM provides a range of travel and conference grants for members who may wish to attend a conference, or have a placement at an international centre to develop their skills. 

These grants are open year round for application, see below for further details about the types of grants we offer, and how you can apply.

Conference and Course Grant

This grant provides funds for attendance at a conference or course, relevant to your area of expertise. Grants are available for UK and international conferences.

It is expected that the applicant's host department will provide matched funding. 

Applicants can apply for up to £600 and Full Members or Fellows are eligible to apply.

Guidance note

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Why apply for a Conference and Course Grant?


Hear from Chris Moore, MRI Physicist at The Christie, Manchester, recipient of a Conference Travel Grant in 2023

"I applied for an IPEM travel grant for ESTRO 2023 in Vienna shortly after commencing an MRI research project to off-set some of the cost to my department to send me to the conference as an extra participant had not previously been accounted for.

Being able to attend the conference was very valuable at the early stage of my research career as it allowed me to get a feel for the work being done in the field, visit exhibitors to get a preview of the latest technology which is in the pipeline to enter the clinic and network with other researchers. In a strange way it was the first opportunity I had to interact with and appreciate the work of many of my colleagues at my own centre!"


Student and Trainee Travel Grant

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This grant provides funds for attendance at a conference or course, specifically for trainees, students (undergraduate and post-graduate) and apprentices.

Eligible applicants are postgraduate students in Physics or Engineering applied to Medicine and Biology and/or healthcare and industrial trainees, including technologist trainees and apprentices.

These grants are available for UK and international conferences that are relevant to your area of expertise.

It is expected that the applicant's host department will provide matched funding. 

Applicants can apply for up to £300.

Guidance note

International Centre Travel Grant

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This grant provides funds for visits to international centres to bring relevant expertise to the UK, or to establish a new research collaboration. 

Using this grant, you could help share your expertise with colleagues in low-middle income countries. Or, you could visit a state-of-the-art research centre and bring back valuable knowledge to your own department. 

Applicants can apply for up to £3000 and Full Members or Fellows are eligible to apply.

Guidance note

Environmental Sustainability Grant

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This grant provide funds (up to £300) for attendance at a conference or course, relevant to environmental sustainability initiatives in Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering and wider healthcare.

Guidance Note

Fiona and John Mallard Travel Grant

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The Fiona and John Mallard Trust are pleased to announce a new travel award to commemorate the contribution that Professor John Mallard made to Medical Physics and Bioengineering. The award will cover the registration fee, accommodation, and travel costs to allow an early career researcher to present their paper and attend a congress organised by IPEM, EFOMP, IOMP or IUPESM. Please see the guidance note below for criteria. 

Applications for 2025 are now open!

Closing date: 30th April 2025.

Guidance note

The Physics Benevolent Fund

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The Physics Benevolent Fund has provided and continues to provide help to people facing a critical need that they cannot otherwise meet.

The Physics Benevolent Fund exists to offer financial help during tough times  and can assist individuals and their dependants hit by financial worries and difficulties brought on by a range of factors including the loss of a job, illness or disability, or meet the need for support because of issues arising during PhD study. Support through the Physics Benevolent Fund can also help ease the stress of financial hardship with issues arising after retirement or following an unexpected life event.

Applicants must be a member of IPEM, and/or a member of the IOP, or the dependant of a member of either organisation.

In certain cases, the Trustees can consider funding for those who are eligible for membership of either IOP or IPEM but unable to afford to take out membership at this time.