2024 Terms and Conditions
By renewing your membership you agree to the terms and conditions outlined below.
IPEM membership subscription
- By paying your membership subscription you reaffirm your agreement to be governed by the Rules of IPEM, and its Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct, including the requirement to ‘take all reasonable steps to maintain and develop professional knowledge and competence’; and accept that any breaches of the Rules or the Code of Professional Conduct will be dealt with under IPEM’s Disciplinary Procedure.
- By paying your membership subscription, you are confirming that your membership category is correct.
Dual IOP/IPEM membership subscription
- By paying the discounted membership subscription, you are confirming that you are still a member of the Institute of Physics (IOP).
- By paying your membership subscription you reaffirm your agreement to be governed by the Rules of IPEM, and its Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct, including the requirement to ‘take all reasonable steps to maintain and develop professional knowledge and competence’; and accept that any breaches of the Rules or the Code of Professional Conduct will be dealt with under IPEM’s Disciplinary Procedure.
- By paying your membership subscription, you are confirming that your membership category is correct.
RCT registration renewal fee
- By paying your RCT registration renewal fee you confirm that you continue to work in a qualifying branch of medical physics, clinical engineering, medical equipment maintenance or medical equipment manufacturing;
- By paying your RCT registration renewal fee you confirm that you will comply with the RCT CPD Policy undertake Continuing Professional Development in 2024 and you are also confirming that you will be able to present a CPD summary for audit if requested;
- By paying your RCT registration renewal fee you confirm that you will abide by the RCT Code of Professional Conduct and accept that any breaches of the Code of Professional Conduct will be dealt with under the RCT’s Fitness to Practice Procedure;
- By paying your RCT registration renewal fee you confirm that you do not have any health condition that you believe will affect your ability to practice safely and effectively;
- By paying your RCT registration renewal fee you confirm that you do not have any convictions, cautions, or civil or disciplinary proceedings as set out in the RCT Policy on Health and Conduct Declarations, to declare;
- By paying your RCT registration renewal fee you confirm that you understand that it is your responsibility to advise the RCT of any changes to your work circumstances and that failure to comply with this requirement may constitute misconduct;
- By paying your RCT registration renewal fee you confirm that you have suitable and sufficient primary professional indemnity insurance in place where this is not provided by your employer;
Science Council registrations
- By paying your CSci/RSci/RSciTech registration renewal fee, you are confirming that you are continuing to practice science and maintain your competence to do so through relevant CPD activity, and you are also confirming that you will be in a position to present a CPD summary for audit if requested.
Engineering Council registrations
- By paying your CEng/IEng/EngTech registration renewal fee, you are confirming that you will continue to undertake relevant CPD in accordance with the commitment you gave when first registered and you are also confirming that you will be in a position to present a CPD summary for audit if requested.
Journal subscriptions
- By paying your journal subscription, you are confirming that these are for your personal use and will not be placed, on receipt or subsequently, in any library or communal resource area.
Get in Touch
- If you have any queries about renewing your IPEM membership or any other registrations or subscriptions you have through IPEM please contact membership@ipem.ac.uk.