PACSHealth, LLC is a software development company that develops medical imaging technology. PACSHealth, LLC includes the PHS Technologies Group, LLC division which develops advanced solutions that help hospitals manage patient radiation exposure and comply with regulatory requirements and industry guidelines. PACSHealth solutions include:
PACSHealth® – Ensure optimal performance of your Enterprise PACS
- THE solution for PACS Monitoring, Database-driven reporting and analysis, and Audit Log management
- PACS real-time system performance visibility/workflow management
- Proactive error identification
VNAHealth® – Intelligent radiology informatics to manage image workflow and data consistency
- Validate the integrity of exams as they pass from source to destination systems and provide inconsistency reports in real-time
- Deep level exam and metadata analysis to detect business logic violations and errors in real time
- Compatible with all vendors of PACS, VNAs, and any DICOM responsive devices
DoseMonitor® – The top rated patient radiation dose management solution in the market
- Proven enterprise-wide solution with the easiest to adopt interface
- Support for all modalities (CT, XA, MG, DR, NM, PET, and now MR)
- The most advanced voxel-hybrid phantoms to calculate CT organ dose
- Peak Skin Dose calculations
DICOMeXtreme™ router - DICOM and HL7 router with built in analytics
- DICOM and HL7 router that has been implemented at some of the largest IDN’s in the world, currently processing >100M exams/year.
- Fully customizable to a specific business need, DICOMeXtreme can move, morph, route and deliver all data rapidly with built-in error checking and audit management.
- AI-powered DICOM pre-fetch engine, enhancing workflow efficiency.
PACSHealth's solutions are installed at over 1200 hospitals worldwide.