IPEM Fellows are an increasingly diverse group with something in common, they have distinguished themselves within their field. By attaining your FIPEM post-nominal you will benefit from enhanced professional recognition within the IPEM global community and across the wider fields of science and medicine. You will help us make the key decisions that will shape both IPEM and the wider professions we represent. You can stand for election as President and help lead IPEM into the future.
Fellowship is a distinction grade of membership and Fellows will demonstrate an outstanding contribution of attainment in:
Research and development / Service Development / Quality Improvement*
Professional practice in the workplace
- Professional practice by contributions to professional body objectives, nationally or internationally.
In addition, applicants must be able to meet the requirements for Full Membership if not already a Full Member of IPEM
* Applicants must describe at least 2 of these topics

In addition to the benefits of Full Membership, an IPEM Fellow will:
- Be able to use the post nominal FIPEM for professional recognition and as an indicator of professional status
- Be eligible to stand for President of IPEM
- Receive a lapel badge indicating Fellowship
- Be able to access the Fellow’s room at the Royal College of Radiologists in London.
As an IPEM Fellow you:
- Have the opportunity to give something back to the profession through which you have risen to the top tier – a very rewarding part of being a Fellow
- May apply for senior IPEM posts such as Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Council Director or Honorary Treasurer
- May apply to join the many committees and panels that plan, organise and carry out work on behalf of IPEM, acquiring new skills and competencies
- Could join the editorial board of one of our international journals or our member magazine
- May apply to join one of IPEM’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
- Can join the IPEM mentoring scheme to assist junior colleagues in their careers
- Can get involved in outreach events with schools and the public
- Can participate in a range of ‘micro’ volunteering opportunities that can be carried out from your desk.
To apply for IPEM Fellowship:
- Read the Guidance Notes for Applicants.
- Have your proposers/supporters complete the downloadable form and return it to you.
- Complete the online application form including uploading your supporting documents.
Annual Fees:
- Fellow £147
Membership covers one calendar year.
IOP Members receive 25% discount
Fee to be paid upon approval of application