Make your voice heard:
IPEM works to raise the profile of the sector with the media, and communicates with Governments and healthcare policy makers across the UK.
Get connected:
Make valuable professional contacts through our events, forums and networks.
Great discounts:
Membership brings you substantial discounts on our conferences, training programmes and publications. You can also get member-rate subscriptions for our internationally-renowned journals, some membership grades allow free access.
Prizes, Awards and funding:
IPEM has a programme of awards for all career stages, including an Innovation Fund and travel bursaries.
Get involved:
Get more out of your membership by joining one of our committees or groups, or volunteering for our outreach programme. Good for your CPD and your CV!

Gain professional recognition:
IPEM membership provides post-nominals for:
- Fellows (FIPEM)
- Full Members (MIPEM)
- Professional Affiliate Member (PAMIPEM)
IPEM through its licence with the Science Council is able to provide:
- Chartered Scientist (CSci)
- Registered Scientist (RSci)
- Registered Science Technician (RSciTech)
IPEM through its licence with the Engineering Council is able to provide:
- Chartered Engineer (CEng)
- Incorporated Engineering (IEng)
- Engineering Technician (EngTech)
Ready to apply?
Select your chosen level of membership below to apply or find out more.