Outreach for Schools

Our outreach programme helps young people make career choices and introduce them to our profession

Reasons to get involved
Volunteering for outreach events is great on many levels. You get experience in science communication (good for STP competencies!), have an opportunity to share your passion for what you do, meet lots of nice people and have fun with it!

And you are helping us to fulfill our charitable objective as we communicate the benefit of physics and engineering in medicine to the public. 


We aim to translate our strategic value of inclusiveness into every aspect of our work, including outreach.  We prioritise events that foster social mobility and reaches groups from underrepresented background and we encourage our volunteers to do the same.

I'm a scientist get me out of here!

I'm a scientist get me out of here!

Information on how to participate in our sponsored medical physics and engineering programme which focuses on widening participation and outreach. It will only take 1-2 hours a month and is entirely online.

Careers Films

Careers Films

What is it like to work in medical physics and engineering?

Careers Leaflet

Careers Leaflet

A great resource with case studies from members working in different areas of our profession. This leaflet can be downloaded and printed, or hard copies can be requested from the IPEM National Office.

Hands on equipment

Hands on equipment

We have a library of activities and hands on equipment which we are able to loan free to IPEM members only. Take a look at what is available.

Careers Presentations

Careers Presentations

Get in touch to receive ready made PowerPoint presentations about careers for you to adapt and personalise.

Information Leaflets

Information Leaflets

An extensive collection of free leaflets about the profession.