Outreach equipment library
The following items are available for loan free of charge to members for outreach activities and are located at the IPEM National Office. All equipment is subject to availability and to be used for indication purposes only. We regret that we are unable to ship these items outside of the UK.
An application form needs to be completed and the equipment can only be used if an IPEM member is present for the duration of the outreach activity. If possible, please submit your order at least three weeks prior to your event, to ensure that we have sufficient time to arrange delivery. You are responsible for returning the item via a suitable courier. You can claim the carriage costs back from IPEM.
Not all activities and all equipment are suitable for all outreach settings. Read the activity descriptions for more details or email: training@ipem.ac.uk

Equipment Library loan request application form
Complete the application form to request any of the equipment listed on this page. We will check if the equipment is available and advise you accordingly. Please submit your application at least three weeks in advance of your requirement. You must return the item to IPEM straight after your event, as we may have a waiting list.

Ultrasound activity
The foetal phantom can be used for ultrasound scanning demonstrations, 3D reconstructions, surface rendering and a variety of other applications. Materials are tissue equivalent, and the phantom is 36 weeks gestational age. When ordering please indicate if you have access to an Ultrasound machine or if you need to borrow ours as well. (The Sonosite Micromaxx with C60e probe machine was kindly donated by Christopher McLeod from NHS Lothian). If you require the ultrasound scanner as well as the foetal phantom, please select both on the booking form. Best for large science fair and busy events where there is not much time with the visitors. Or as part of a school event where groups of kids rotate around stations.

Radiotherapy activity - Nerfgun
Shooting with Nerfguns to demonstrate the development of radiotherapy (from traditional to Image guided and immobilisation techniques) is great fun. Notoriously hard to demonstrate this is one simple and engaging way to demonstrate radiotherapy principles by pretending the nerfgun is the linac and a squishy brain is the tumour. Having a RT mask to demonstrate immobilisation would be helpful too and it does often draw attention. Best for smaller groups (like rotating groups at a school event for example or is a classroom). Or as a fun demonstration if you are giving a talk and presentation.

Radiotherapy Activity - Lego Linac
Using our Lego Model to show how a radiotherapy treatment room looks like It was designed by some radiotherapy outreach volunteers and then built by a LEGO partner company. We have two models available for loan.

Radiation Protection Activity
This simulator make it possible to have realistic demonstrations without the use of radioactive sources. It uses a simulated radioactive source which is in liquid form. The source releases a gas which is of low-toxicity, is non-flammable and is environmentally safe. A probe outwardly indistinguishable from a Contamination monitor houses a gas sensor, specific for the gas released from the simulated source. There is also a Full Haz Contamination Suit. Before booking, please contact training@ipem.ac.uk to discuss the suitability, as it is very awkward and heavy so not suitable for all events. This is a bit of a show stopper, so needs some longer involvement from students (although passers by will stop and watch)

Radiation activity - measure radioactivity
Our cable-less geiger counter (Ludlum Model 26) can be used to frisk people and objects for alpha & beta contamination. It incorporates a standard 15 cm² GM pancake probe, loud audio “click” output, and large auto-ranging LCD display. We will send you some Uranium Glass items but feel free to try bananas, LoSalt and brazil nuts. You can of course use your own Geiger counter too.

Guess the Radiation Quiz
This works for table top exhibits (maybe smaller school careers fairs) as you can just do a short demo. Or for more engaged smaller students as you can link it to the quiz and scan other things like Brazil nuts or bananas for example.

Physiological Measurement Activity
This interactive set can be used for demonstrations and allows participants to get involved safely. The kit consists of a blood pressure monitor and blood oxygen monitor, but the items can be ordered individually. There are several activities described. Best for events where you have time to explain details. This can really be used to explain physics and engineering principles. School careers event with rotating groups, classroom visits etc.

X-Ray Simulation activity
To demonstrate X-rays you can use special photographic paper you can transfer object images onto paper using merely natural sunlight. Simply place objects such as leaves, string, shells or paper patterns onto the surface of the light sensitive paper and leave to expose. Finally rinse the paper under tap water for a few seconds and the image appears. Best for Primary School activities - ideally with some teachers / helpers. It needs time, sunlight and water so will take at least 15 minutes.

Diagnostic Scanning Modalities Activity
Match different types of scans to organs in a torso. The idea is to work through the physics behind the different scanning methods and show the appropriate images on the tablet. Visitors can then identify which body part is scanned in the torso. Selfie-friendly. Best for large busy events as it draws in kids looking at the torso as you can whiz through the images (we can also print the images if needed). However this can also be given as a presentation / classroom visit when you can talk more about the physics involved.

Diagnostic Scanning Activity - match the bodyparts
Pin the scan onto Sheldon Cooper (or some other life size cut out). We had Chewbacca, Yoda and Darthvader in the past; however if there is a specific person you want, we can try and obtain it. Stick print outs of scanned body parts to the celebrity. Works well in a hospital foyer or table top fair if you want to attract attention. Short and fun and a great ice breaker to get people drawn in.

Diagnostic Scans activity - quizzes
These chocolate or fruit/vegetable scan quizzes are CT scans of different chocolate bars (including a seasonal mince pie) and a fruit and veg option with beautiful MRI images. A PowerPoint presentation (the chocolate also has a poster version) with "matching" real chocolates so that the images can be compared with the actual product. We ask you to buy the fruit and veg and chocolate, but you can claim the money back via an expense form. Works well in a hospital foyer or table top fair if you want to attract attention. Short and fun and a great ice breaker to get people drawn in.

Lego model of an MRI machine
This little model can draw attention to your stall and might be a good additional prop.

Careers banner
The lightweight pop up careers banner will make your exhibition stand out from the rest!

Careers Films and Careers Presentation
We have a number of careers films showing early careers members at work. If you are asked to give a careers presentation about the profession we can send you a ready-made PowerPoint file which you can amend as required. It's a great template to work from. Both the films and the presentation are too large to download, so please contact training@ipem.ac.uk and we can send them to you via a transfer site.