Workforce Policy and Position Statements

Policy and Position Statements

Specialism Title Resource sub-type Year Produced by Access
All IPEM Guidance on ESR Coding Policy Statement 2013 IPEM Open
All Workforce Baseline Project Report Workforce Report 2015 IPEM Open
All Brexit Impact on the MPCE workforce Policy Statement 2018 IPEM Open
All Coverage of the MPE curriculum provided by national standards and training schemes in Medical Physics Policy Statement 2019 IPEM Open
All National Shortage Occupation List Guidance Policy Statement 2021 IPEM Open
All Official IPEM statement on the current state of the MPCE healthcare workforce in the UK Position Statement 2023 IPEM Open
RT Presentation at the 2019 Heads of Radiotherapy Physics Meeting Workforce Presentation 2019 IPEM Open
UNIR 2022 Laser Workforce Survey Presentation Presentation slides 2022 IPEM Open