Workforce Intelligence



Radiotherapy is the treatment of cancer with ionising radiation, and can be used as the main form of treatment instead of surgery or in conjunction with the surgical removal of tumours. It is also used in combination with chemotherapy in an attempt to maximise the effect on the tumour tissue.

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine is the use of radioactive substances for treating, diagnosing, and monitoring the effects of therapies for cancer patients, and investigating various other medical conditions including heart, and kidney disease. Both treatments and diagnoses involve administering radiopharmaceuticals.

Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Protection

Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Protection

Diagnostic radiology is a method of finding out what is wrong with a patient by seeing through the affected part of their body using X-rays. Radiation Protection is the name given to work that ensures any exposure to ionising and non-ionising radiation is reduced as low as reasonably practicable.

Clinical Engineering

Clinical Engineering

Clinical Engineering refers to the development, use, on-going support, and maintenance of technology for diagnosing, aiding or treating patients. It covers a very wide range of devices used in healthcare.

Rehabilitation Engineering

Rehabilitation Engineering

Rehabilitation engineering is the clinical application of engineering to provide services, research, and development to assist people with disabilities. In general, assistive devices are used as aids to mobility and communication.

Magnetic Resonance

Magnetic Resonance

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a form of medical imaging that produces high quality pictures of tissues and organs within the human body without subjecting patients to harmful radiation.

Ultrasound and Non-ionising Radiation

Ultrasound and Non-ionising Radiation

Non-ionising radiation (NIR) is a term used to encompass all electromagnetic radiation where individual photons do not have enough energy to ionise atoms. Medical Ultrasound, the use of high frequency sound waves, is also non-ionising.

Clinical Computing

Clinical Computing

Computers are an important and integral part of many areas of modern clinical activity. Computer-based medical devices are used in fields such as digital radiology, radiotherapy planning and delivery, nuclear medicine and physiological measurement.

Other Workforce Resources

Other Workforce Resources

Miscellaneous workforce resources such as the Workforce Intelligence baseline report, guidance on topics such as ESR, the national shortage occupation list and the impact of Brexit.

Workforce Surveys

View information on our currently running workforce surveys and a timetable of upcoming surveys.

Workforce Survey Information

Why do we need accurate workforce data?

High-quality data is vital to ensuring the right decisions are made on issues such as training, recruitment, staffing and services. The Unit was set up in 2013 to meet a widely recognised lack of comprehensive data in this area.

The information we collect is used to:

  • Advise on policy.
    • Decision makers such as Higher Education England and the National Shortage Occupation List need such data, often at short notice. The information could prove particularly important for a possible future reviews of NHS healthcare science.
  • Inform our members.
    • The data is available for our members to use to help them influence local, regional, or national decisions.
  • Shape IPEM’s own work.
    • The Unit’s work improves our knowledge and understanding of the sector and helps form policies and priorities.

How is access to the data controlled? 

All information collected is treated in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act. We also recognise other confidentiality issues. Some of our information is being made available to IPEM members only, at least in the first instance. You can view our Data Usage Policy here

Workforce Requests

If you wish to request specific data from the workforce intelligence team that cannot be found in the workforce intelligence resources, click below to submit a request.

Workforce Intelligence Data Request


Non Member Contribution to Workforce Data

If you are not an IPEM member but are running a department, and would like to help IPEM collect workforce data, we need your consent to contact you.

We may ask you to participate in a survey to obtain workforce and vacancy numbers, on behalf of your organisation, or to canvas opinion on workforce and training related matters.