What is the difference between Route 2 and Part II?

There are lots of routes to registration as a Clinical Scientist and it can be difficult to know which is which.

In order to work as a Clinical Scientist, you must be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The HCPC have approved bodies who can assess for registration as a Clinical Scientist, including the Association of Clinical Scientists.

Route 2

"Route 2" is a route to registration which is assessed by the Association of Clinical Scientists for those who have not followed a formal training programme.

Part II

IPEM has continued to run it's 'Part II' training scheme, which used to be part of a larger training scheme, in order to support those working towards registration through "Route 2". However, IPEM's 'Part II' training scheme is not a formal training scheme and does not have a curriculum. It is not compulsory, and trainees can apply straight to the Association of Clinical Scientists to be assessed, without prior approval or communication with IPEM.

Please note: Applications to IPEM's Part II Training Scheme have now closed, this content is retained for current scheme participants.