IPEM Approval of Short Courses

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IPEM short course approval is an independent process that recognises and prioritises relevant, high quality external short courses and one day meetings as CPD activity for professionals. 

  • Courses are featured on our website, member news updates, online communities and social media channels - so there is plenty of exposure for your course.
  • We issue a certificate on approval, together with an IPEM logo for use within your promotional activities - you can use the logo on your webpages too.
  • An IPEM approved course provides those attending with recognised CPD activities and is seen by many in the sector as a benchmark of quality.
  • Approval grants recognition by IPEM, as the UK professional body for physics and engineering in medicine, of courses which have a programme of relevant teaching activities that are suitable to meet the published aims and objectives.

Course organisers are invited to submit an application form which will be assessed by IPEM's Course Accreditation Committee and an expert in the course subject area.  

Before completing your application, read the guidance here. A purchase order must be included with your application.

From 2025, for both new and renewal applications, you must select your preferred approval period. Approval can be sought for 1 year, 3 years or 5 years. Please see below for current fees, or contact training@ipem.ac.uk. If your course is due for renewal in 2025, you will need to select on of these three options.

2025 approval fees: 

1 year - £350 (no VAT applicable)

3 years - £500 (no VAT applicable)

5 years - £750 (no VAT applicable)

Take a look at the current approved courses here.

All scientific and training meetings organised by IPEM will have content that members and some allied professionals will find valuable as a contribution to their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity.  In addition, meetings IPEM organises in partnership with other organisations will also be relevant to the CPD plans of IPEM members.

We frequently post updates and dates for your diary in the newsletter and through IPEM’s social media, please follow @ipemnews to ensure you don’t miss an update.