Before you begin putting together your portfolio, ensure you have read through all the available information to support you with this. You can find information on putting together an e-Portfolio as well as support on academic integrity and referencing.

Portfolio Support

The portfolio is the main record of evidence of training, and should contain information which demonstrates the work that has been carried out, the number and level of competencies which have been acquired as well as appropriate educational knowledge. Before you begin putting together your portfolio, ensure you have read the Training Scheme Handbook thoroughly.

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It is important to remember:

  • The portfolio must be in an electronic format.
  • It must be one PDF document with ease of navigation through the use of hyperlinks.
  • There should be a contents page and the portfolio divided into appropriate sections.
  • Any evidence relating to patients must have all identifiable information removed.
  • All work must be the trainee's own and appropriate referencing included.

Below you will find additional guidance to support you with putting together your electronic portfolio and IPEM's Academic Misconduct Policy. You may find the following resources useful to support with referencing:

Most library services and universities offer extensive guidance and training on referencing and we would recommending making the most of those local to you. If you have any doubts about something within your portfolio, speak to your Training Supervisor and External Moderator. You can also contact