A reminder for all RPAs, RWAs and LPAs
A REMINDER is being given to all radiation protection professionals to submit certificate renewal applications well in advance of their expiry date.
RPA2000 is reminding all RPAs, RWAs and LPAs to submit their renewal applications at least three to six months before the expiry of their current certificate. This is to ensure the renewal assessment is completed before the current certificate ends.
They are advising if a certificate is due for renewal and you have had difficulties collating sufficient evidence of ongoing operational activity due to the Covid lockdowns to contact them for further advice at admin@rpa2000.org.uk
For any renewal application received by RPA 2000 less than three months prior to the expiry of the current certificate, RPA 2000 is only able to extend the validity of the current certificate in exceptional circumstances. It is unlikely that you will be granted an extension due to “work commitments” and in these situations you could therefore be in a position where your certificate expires while your renewal application is being processed.
Information on the assessment process, FAQs and failure to meet renewal timescales can be found on the RPA 2000 website here under the appropriate certification scheme.
RPA2000 is also looking to recruit more MPE assessors, particularly those working in nuclear medicine. If you are interested in becoming an MPE assessor, please have a look at the MPE Assessor Role description and complete the application form at the bottom of the MPE Certification Scheme page on the RPA 2000 website.
If you are interested in becoming an assessor for RPA, RWA and LPA applications, more information on the application process can be found on the assessor’s page of the RPA 2000 website.