IPEM Announces New President-Elect

IPEM has announced the results of its recent election to find a new President-Elect.

The election was won by Mark Knight, who is Chief Healthcare Scientist at NHS Kent and Medway, who secured 53.7% of the vote over Fiammetta Fedele, on 46.3%. Turnout was 23.2%.

Mark Knight said:

"Thank you to Fiammetta for running in the election for President-Elect. I have worked alongside Fiammetta for many years on a variety of projects at IPEM, have seen first-hand her dedication and the scale of her contributions and I look forward to working with her going forwards.

I’m honoured to have been elected as IPEM’s President-Elect by my fellow members and MPCE professionals. We are at a crucial time for the sector and IPEM should continue to actively promote medical physics and clinical engineering for the benefit of society. Looking to the future is key to ensure MPCE professions are at the cutting-edge of technological innovation. I will be an advocate for the MPCE national agenda and strive to put our current and future workforce at the forefront of scientific development. I look forward to working with colleagues on these exciting programmes.”

IPEM President, Dr Anna Barnes, commented:

"I congratulate Mark on his election and thank both candidates for putting themselves forward. This election has been a really positive experience for IPEM and I am pleased that so many of our members engaged with it and took the time to vote. IPEM is here for its members and I look forward to working with Mark to continue to develop the organisation at this exciting time for us.”

Fiammetta Fedele added:

"My warmest congratulations to Mark on becoming IPEM’s new President-Elect. I have known, and professionally admired Mark for some time and am sure he will be a great President Elect. This is an exciting period of growth for IPEM and I am looking forward to continuing to be involved in supporting that growth for the benefit of the MPCE community and our members.”