Become a training scheme moderator
A CALL has gone out for more people to apply to be a moderator to help train the next generation of clinical technologists.
There has been a great intake of new applicants for the IPEM Clinical Technologist Training Scheme (TTS) but that also means more moderators are needed to help trainees on their journey.
IPEM is now looking for new external moderators who are willing to share their skills and experience with younger colleagues. The external moderator carries out visits at the trainee’s workplace to assess practical skills and offer advice on production of the training portfolio.
It is a very rewarding role and is a great way to build up CPD. The role is open to IPEM Full Members and Fellows, plus Associate Members who also hold RCT Registration. Training days are offered, which are held around the UK every year, so those involved in the training scheme can share good practice and learn more about the scheme.
Peter Harding, Lead Dosimetry Technician at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and a RCT registrant, joined as a moderator for the TTS back in 2003. He is an external moderator and also a viva examiner for the Part II examinations.
He said: ‘Being a moderator is a privileged position, allowing you into other departments and giving you the opportunity to not only observe, challenge and contribute to the training of people entering the profession, but also to observe and take examples of good practice back to your own department and help move things forward.’