Call for applications for roles with GCEA


A CALL for IPEM members to apply for roles with the Global Clinical Engineering Alliance (GCEA) has been made.

Could you use your experience of the field of Clinical Engineering to support a global team for the benefit of clinical engineers worldwide? If so, the Alliance, which IPEM is a member of, have three council officer posts up for election:

  • President Elect: This is a four- year commitment, serving two as President Elect and two as the next President. They are responsible for working with the current President to ensure a smooth transition of authority and to learn about the organization's operations and goals. They may also be responsible for organising events, fundraising, and other activities that support the organization's mission.
  • Treasurer: A two-year role supporting the Board and sub-committees and providing leadership to commercial teams.
  • Secretary: A two-year appointment leading on governance arrangements for the Alliance.

If you are an IPEM member and would like IPEM to nominate you to one of the roles, please email and copy Warren MacDonald, stating which role you are interested in.  Please also include a very brief CV (200 words) and a 100-word statement on your aims.

But be quick – nominations close on 15 October.

Global Clinical Engineering Alliance