IPEM launches Clinical Technologists Road Map

Download IPEM's  Roadmap for Advancing Clinical Technologist Careers.

Technologists deliver services that meet the regulatory, ethical and legal requirements of their profession. They possess a unique body of scientific knowledge related to patient care and the use of technology, to deliver safe and effective healthcare. This is blended with personal and interpersonal skills and attributes that enable practitioners to deliver high quality patient-centred care in complex, demanding and changing healthcare environments.
They are competent to practise to a high standard and may work in a wide variety of health and care settings,
delivering services from before birth to after death.

IPEM believes that;

Technologists are a separate professional group to Clinical Scientists
2. Technologists deserve and require professional recognition
3. Enhanced, advanced and consultant level technical practice can, and should, exist
4. Usage of advanced practice technologists would enable greater flexibility within a stretched workforce

Find out more about how IPEM is working towards better career opportunities and recognition for Clinical Technologists by downloading the Roadmap for Advancing Clinical Technologist Careers.