IPEM charts course to growth with new Mission statement

Developed in consultation with members, trustees, stakeholders and staff , the new Mission statement will be rolled out this week, and embedded in all we do.

Our Mission


'Improving health though physics and engineering in medicine' 


is a memorable statement of our purpose as a charity and member association.

Our Vision 


'Developing the professional, improving health, transforming lives together' 


emphasises how members, as professionals and as people, are the ones who make the difference, in terms of the science and patient outcomes. IPEM’s job is to support them by sustaining communities of practice, enabling the creation of intellectual capital that develops professionals, and by being an impactful and influential voice for physics and engineering in medicine. 

Our Values 

are to be:

Trusted - The leading voice in improving health through physics and engineering

Inclusive - Enabling a diverse and inclusive professional community

Progressive - Delivering innovative practice development for the public good



Commenting, Phil Morgan, IPEM CEO said:

“Our mission, vision and values are at the heart of what we do and who we are.

“We know there are areas in which we need to change and improve. The new strategy we are developing aims to expanding our capacity for producing guidance and information; sustaining a professional community characterised by high standards and equality, diversity and inclusion; stepping up our education activities and events; and raising our profile and impact with better 


“But it all starts with a clear mission, a vision and set of values, which will shape what we do and how we do it. This is an exciting time to belong to IPEM.”