IPEM launches new journal

Incoming Editor-in-Chief of IPEM-Translation Dr Richard Black introduces IPEM's newest journal

The publication landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, not least the shift to open-access publishing. If, like me, you are regularly bombarded by unsolicited emails inviting you to contribute to dubious journals, known in the trade as ‘predatory journals’, you will know that there are plenty of opportunists out there wishing to capitalise on this growing market.

Members will be in no doubt of the importance of the Institute’s journals to its finances, with journal income accounting for around half of the Institute’s consolidated income in 2019 (IPEM Annual Review 2019).

For a number of years, the Institute has been considering launching a new journal that serves the interests of the membership (physicists, engineers, technologists), and wider research and clinical communities, without compromising the market share of the other journal titles that IPEM currently owns and supports. These plans were given new impetus with the drive towards open access publishing, which is now mandated by funding bodies and stakeholders, including the Wellcome Trust.


Policies adopted by the US National Institutes of Health and initiatives such as cOAlition S in Europe have led to the adoption of a framework for Open Access publishing, consolidated in Europe by the implementation plan known as Plan S: With effect from 2021, “all scholarly publications on the results from research funded by public or private grants provided by national, regional and international research councils and funding bodies, must be published in Open Access Journals, on Open Access Platforms, or made immediately available through Open Access Repositories without embargo.” In short, all research articles must be made freely available at the time of publication and openly licenced.

Enter IPEM-Translation, a new open-access journal that aims to give hospital-based researchers and practitioners in the NHS and elsewhere the opportunity to publicise their work and share best practices with those in their peer group, the wider research and clinical communities, and the general public. Published by Elsevier Ltd, the new journal is aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at all those engaged in the development and implementation of technologies used in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients, but also the patient groups, end users and beneficiaries of such technology.

Members who would like more information, or who would wish to get involved (by serving on the editorial board, or as an author or reviewer) are encouraged to contact Richard Black on IPEM.Translation@ipem.ac.uk



Wellcome Trust (Open Research)

What is cOAlition S?

Plan S: Making full and immediate Open Access a reality:  

1. Principles and Implementation

2. Revised implementation guidance