IPEM members honoured at CSO awards

FOUR members of IPEM have been honoured with Lifetime Achievement Awards by the Chief Scientific Officer for England.

Professors Dan Clark OBE, Tony Fisher MBE, Malcolm Sperrin and Dr Peter Jarritt were honoured with Lifetime Achievement Awards by CSO Professor Dame Sue Hill.

IPEM Fellow Dr Jarritt served as IPEM President from 2011-13 and is the former Head of Medical Physics at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


Professor Clark served as IPEM’s Vice President International and is Head of Clinical Engineering at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.


IPEM Fellow Professor Sperrin is the former Head of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


IPEM Fellow Professor Fisher is a Clinical Scientist in the Clinical Engineering Department at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Both Professors Sperrin and Fisher were heavily involved in IPEM’s training programmes.


Dr Robert Farley, IPEM’s President, said: ‘Huge congratulations to all four of them who richly deserve this recognition.

‘It is fantastic that we have so many talented and dedicated members who are not only a credit to themselves and their profession but who will also inspire others to strive to be the best.’