IPEM's joint letter to Chancellor calls for investment in R&D
IPEM has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer along with over 30 leading scientific organisations calling on him to use this month's Spending Review to deliver on his promise to invest £22 billion in R&D by 2024/25.
This letter complements our recent support for a Science Council-led submission to the Spending Review and highlights why now is a vital time to invest in research and innovation to drive the high-skill sectors and cutting-edge technologies that will help shape the UK’s future and to avoid falling behind other leading scientific nations when it comes to investment in R&D.
Rob Farley, President of IPEM said:
“The pandemic has demonstrated why investing in research is so important, and how UK science is fundamental to the nation’s health and wealth, and allows us to play a leading role on the global stage. The research community can turn the vision of Britain as scientific superpower into reality, but to do so requires a sustained commitment to real investment from the government, starting by delivering on the promise to increase public investment in R&D to £22bn a year by 2024/25.”