Joint shared temporary register for Healthcare Science practitioners

At this unprecedented time and in keeping with developments in the statutory regulation of healthcare professions, the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS), the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) and the Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) have been working together to establish a Shared Temporary Register (STR) for healthcare science practitioners. The STR is open to final year healthcare science students across the four home countries that meet the agreed criteria  and allows them to practice as registered professionals within the healthcare science workforce. This supports the public health response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

There is no fee to join the STR and joining is voluntary.

The STR is for the duration of the COVD-19 emergency and AHCS, IPEM and RCCP will make a joint decision about when it is appropriate to close the STR, in light of advice from the administrations in the four home countries and any decision to close the temporary registers held by statutory regulators.

The AHCS, IPEM and RCCP are working with the relevant universities to identify eligible students and gather details to be included in the STR.

The register will be co-ordinated by the AHCS on behalf of all three organisations and will be available via the AHCS website.