Professor John Mallard OBE FRSE
IT is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of Professor John Mallard OBE FRSE, an IPEM Fellow who made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of medicine.
Professor Mallard died peacefully at the age of 94 earlier this week with his family around him.
He was a Professor of Medical Physics at the University of Aberdeen from 1965 until his retirement in 1992. He was internationally renowned for his pioneering work in the field of medical imaging as well as for his many contributions to the profession.
His major contribution was in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, with his group being responsible for some of the discoveries which led to this becoming a clinically viable technique.
Professor Mallard was a founder Secretary General of the International Organization for Medical Physics and went on to become its President. He was also Founder President of the International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine.
Professor Peter Sharp, former IPEM President, said: 'Professor John Mallard played a major role in the development of Medical Physics, both here in the UK and abroad. Appointed as the first holder of the Chair in Medical Physics at the University of Aberdeen, his tenacity and “can do” approach led to a remarkable series of developments in medical imaging, culminating in his team building the first whole body clinical MRI machine.
'It is no understatement to say that hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide have benefited from his vision for medical imaging. He had an equally important influence on the professional development of medical physics, being President of the predecessor of IPEM, of IOMP and Founder President of ESMRMB and of IUPESM.
'He was awarded the OBE in the Queens Birthday Honours List in 1992 and was particularly proud when his home city awarded him the Freedom of the City of Aberdeen in 2004, an honour he shares with Nelson Mandela and Alex Ferguson!'