IPEM launches State of the Profession survey

UPDATE 16th December 2024

The State of the Profession survey is now closed.  Thank you to all who contributed, we had over 850 responses which will help give us an excellent insight into the profession.  We will be sharing the findings in 2025.


The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine has created a national survey to research the current state of the Clinical Engineering and Medical Physics workforce. Our aim is to create a snapshot view of the state of the profession by gathering the views and experiences of those working in the profession.  The findings will ultimately support advocacy of the profession, be that for organisations or part of the national healthcare agenda.  Our hope is that this will facilitate change and empower development.

We welcome anyone working in the fields of Clinical Engineering and Medical Physics to take part in this survey. This includes professionals in academia, direct healthcare, and industry.  The results of this survey will create benchmark data to support the professional community and inform advocacy for the future of the profession.

This survey will take around 5 minutes to complete, and is completely anonymous.

You will have the opportunity to enter into a prize draw and to request a summary of key results at the end of the survey.

Thank you for your support, you can complete the survey here

If you require further information or have any feedback, please contact SOTP@ipem.ac.uk