Phantom Library

The following items are available on loan to IPEM members for the purposes of research, education and validation/audit only. Equipment is loaned out free of charge. All loan requests must be made on the online booking form available on this page, at least three weeks prior to when the item is required. You are responsible for returning the item to the IPEM office by appropriate courier. You may claim back the transport cost from IPEM by submitting an expenses claim form. A copy of the full terms and conditions of the loans can be found by clicking here. 

If you have any queries about the phantom library, or would like to suggest items which could be added to the library, please get in touch here.  

Phantom Library Loan request application form

Phantom Library Loan request application form

Complete the application form to request any of the equipment listed on this page. We will check if the equipment is available and advise you accordingly. Please submit your application at least three weeks in advance of your requirement. You must return the item to IPEM straight after your event, as we may have a waiting list.

HDR Brachytherapy End-to-End Dosimetry Audit System (BRAD2)

HDR Brachytherapy End-to-End Dosimetry Audit System (BRAD2)

A new end-to-end dosimetry audit system for HDR brachytherapy has been developed, BRAD2, funded by IPEM, building on the success of the original BRAD system (Palmer et al Phys Med Biol 2013;58(19):6623, Palmer et al Radiother Oncol 2015;114(2):264-71). The new system is a passive phantom constructed of Solid Water housed in a Perspex water tank, utilising radiochromic film and a microdiamond detector to measure the dose distribution around HDR cervix brachytherapy applicators, including the use of interstitial needles. Treatment plans are created using virtual target and organs at risk structures linked to the phantom, and agreement between planned and measured doses assessed using point dose, isodose alignment, and structure-based dose-plane histogram assessments. Pilot testing of BRAD2 was completed in 2024 and the system will be used for a UK-wide audit during 2025-6. The phantom will be available for ad-hoc audits after the national audit. Please contact: for further technical information, or contact IPEM (via the link below) to enquire for equipment loan. A suitable film dosimetry analysis system is required to use the audit equipment.

Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammography Phantom (CESM)

Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammography Phantom (CESM)

The CIRS Contrast Enhanced Spectral mammography (CESM) Phantom is designed to address the need for QC of CEDM systems. The phantom demonstrates the presence and absence of iodine in tissues by containing different iodine concentrations and non-iodine breast tissue substitutes. The CESM phantom represents an average human breast in size. For more details see the CIRS website (you would need to cut and paste the address)