SunCHECK Version 5.0: Enhancing Quality Management in Radiation Therapy

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A recent study highlighted the increasing demand for specialized treatments in radiation therapy, leading to a significant rise in physics staff time per patient.1 To address this challenge, Sun Nuclear's quality management platform, SunCHECK®, has emerged as a trusted solution for radiation therapy departments worldwide. With its ability to streamline data management and status tracking, SunCHECK delivers efficiency gains and improved quality in radiation therapy. The latest release, SunCHECK Version 5.0, introduces a range of new features aimed at optimizing workflows, prioritizing patient care, and enhancing overall quality management.

Patient Worklist Zoom (1)

Centralized Worklist-Focused View

SunCHECK offers a centralized view of Patient QA phases, Machine QA tasks, and assets requiring attention. This eliminates the need for multiple applications and databases, simplifying the quality assurance process. By providing a comprehensive overview, SunCHECK enables radiation therapy teams to efficiently manage and track all aspects of QA.

Efficiency Gains and Machine Quality Assurance Enhancements

A one-year summary of a 10-linac network utilizing SunCHECK for Machine QA revealed substantial time savings. Daily QA Physics Checks saw a remarkable 208 hours saved, while Monthly QA witnessed a significant 540 hours saved, resulting in efficiency gains of 83% and 82%, respectively.2 These findings demonstrate the tangible benefits of implementing SunCHECK in radiation therapy departments.

Several machine-focused enhancements introduced in SunCHECK v5.0 aim to streamline quality assurance tasks. Direct device control of PC Electrometer™ and 1D SCANNER™ simplifies measurements by integrating them into a single workflow and automating measurement recording. Additionally, enhanced image-based machine quality assurance capabilities, including IC PROFILER™ off-axis measurements, jaw orthogonality, MLC leaf positions, and collimator QA starshot, support compliance with ANSM and other protocols.

Plan Feasibility Plancheck Zoom (1)

Patient-Centric Features

SunCHECK Version 5.0 introduces two patient-focused features for improved treatment planning. The new Plan Feasibility feature allows planners to assess treatment plan quality by analyzing clinical goals and dose-volume histogram (DVH) data. This analysis provides valuable insights, enabling informed decisions that optimize patient outcomes. Additionally, the Plan Complexity feature allows planners to quickly determine the achievability of a treatment plan, reducing the risk of patient movement during planning and ensuring achievable dose delivery.

Integration with Varian Medical Systems® Workflows

SunCHECK Version 5.0 offers enhanced integration with Varian Medical Systems® Eclipse™ treatment planning system and ARIA® oncology information system. Clinical goals created in Eclipse can now be seamlessly imported into SunCHECK, ensuring consistency and reducing discrepancies between the two platforms. The integration also allows for the direct launch of SunCHECK's secondary dose calculation tool, DoseCHECK™, within Eclipse, eliminating the need for data transfer between systems. Furthermore, the auto-saving of Patient QA reports directly into the ARIA patient workflow streamlines data organization and reduces manual effort.

Enhanced User Experience

The latest version of SunCHECK features a refreshed user interface (UI) with a focus on worklists. The new UI presents relevant information at a glance, allowing clinicians to easily identify and address critical tasks. Departmental assets are prominently displayed on the main page, providing quick access to essential resources.

Join Sun Nuclear experts on 6 June for a webinar of the latest enhancements and new features. Register to join the broadcast, or watch the recording on demand.

SunCHECK Version 5.0 represents a significant advancement in quality management for radiation therapy departments — empowering radiation therapy teams to deliver the highest level of quality and accuracy in treatment planning and delivery. By optimizing workflows and prioritizing patient care, SunCHECK continues to be a trusted solution for radiation therapy departments worldwide.

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[1] Thind K, et al, Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys (2021); Increasing Demand on Human Capital and Resource Utilization in Radiation Therapy: The Past Decade

[2] Onsite assessment conducted by Sun Nuclear, 2023

Varian Medical Systems® is a registered trademark, and Eclipse™ and ARIA® are trademarks of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. Sun Nuclear Corporation is not affiliated with or sponsored by Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

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