Higher Specialist Scientist Equivalence and How to Get It
Event Information
Dates: 09/07/2024, 10:00 - 09/07/2024, 15:00
Venue: Online

IPEM Members - £99

Non Members - £125

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Higher Specialist Scientist Equivalence and How to Get It

This training will provide an overview of the Higher Specialist Scientist Equivalence route from the AHCS, hearing from those with experience of the process and an opportunity to look at the requirements for HSS registration in more detail.

HSS Equivalence and How to Get It is aimed at those looking to become registered as a Higher Specialist Scientist through the Academy of Healthcare Science’s (AHCS) ‘equivalence’ route. Included within the training will be an overview of the application and assessment process will be provided by the AHCS, a session on the increasing relevance of HSS registration, an opportunity to hear from those with experience of achieving registration through the equivalence process as well as taking a closer look at the standards and requirements to discuss potential challenges and solutions to reaching registration through equivalence. There will be lots of opportunities to ask questions throughout the training.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the training, attendees will:

  • Understand the relevance of HSS Registration and how it fits into the workforce of the future
  • Understand the application and assessment process for HSS Equivalence
  • Identify potential challenges and solutions to achieving Higher Specialist Scientist Registration

A detailed overview of the session will be released soon.


IPEM Members - £99

Non Members - £125

Invoice bookings are now closed. 

Card payment booking deadline - 3rd July 2024.

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