The Effect of Skin Pigmentation on Pulse Oximeter Accuracy
Event Information
Dates: 22/05/2024, 09:00 - 22/05/2024, 17:00
Venue: Broadway House, Central London
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Start time and date
22/05/2024, 09:00 -
22/05/2024, 17:00
Event location
Broadway House, Central London
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The Effect of Skin Pigmentation on Pulse Oximeter Accuracy

This in-person event aims to bring together leaders in the field of Pulse Oximetry from across the UK to highlight the importance of the topic, and provide brainstorming opportunities to work towards tackling the problem.

Organised by IPEM's Physiological Measurement SIG

Pulse oximetry is widely used across healthcare settings to measure blood oxygen saturation. Recent research indicates that the accuracy of pulse oximeters can differ between subjects of different ethnicities, caused by differences in skin pigmentation. This received widespread attention from scientists, politicians, and the media during the COVID pandemic, since it was thought to be a potential factor contributing to differences in outcomes between ethnicities.

This event aims to:

  • Highlight the importance of the topic
  • Inform about the topic
  • Provide networking and brainstorming opportunities to spark further work to tackle the problem

This event is aimed at Clinicians, Clinical Scientists, Clinical Technologists, Researchers in academia and industry, and Policy Makers, but is open to all with an interest in the field.

Prof Daniel Martin
was a member of the panel for the ‘Equity in Medical Devices’ review, an independent review completed at Sajid Javid’s request following concerns that racial bias in pulse oximetry may have affected health outcomes during the Covid pandemic. Prof Martin works as a Consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, and a Professor of Perioperative and Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Plymouth. He recently led a systematic review of the effect of skin tone on the accuracy of the estimation of arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry. As well as using pulse oximetry in his clinical work, and performing leading research on the topic, his work has also taken him to Mount Everest to examine oxygen levels at very high altitudes.

The programme for the day is available here. A printable version is also available.

Speaker abstracts are available for viewing here.

The event will be held at Broadway House, Tothill Street, London SW1H 9NQ.

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If you have any queries, please email the IPEM conference team or tel: 01904 550598.

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