CPD Help

The information on this page will help you to plan, conduct and record your CPD as well as instruct you on how to prepare and submit your evidence if selected for audit.

The five steps to good CPD...

Step 1: Plan it

An essential element of CPD is the development of an action plan to set out what you need to learn for the following year. These learning requirements may have been identified as part of a work-based appraisal or from your own ideas about what you need to achieve. Many employers will provide their own forms to record these elements. Where an employer does provide relevant forms, it is recommended that the registrant files a copy of their completed forms within their CPD portfolio.

Step 2: Carry it out

For suggestions of activities and examples that you are likely to be carrying out at work or elsewhere and that will count as CPD, please consult our CPD Activities list - This list is not exhaustive but will give you an idea of the kinds of activities you may wish to include in your CPD portfolio.

Step 3: Record it

It is essential for registrants to record what they and their employer and/or service user have gained from the CPD activities undertaken. It may be the acquisition of new skills or gaining knowledge or it may be the maintenance of competency in a particular element of their professional role.

Step 4: Reflect on it

A registrant should demonstrate, by reflection, what has been learned, rather than by describing the activity itself. In reflecting, one approach would be to justify having taken the time and resources to participate in that learning activity and to explain how it has helped further meet the registrant's job description, helped to implement a new or updated technique and/or helped to do a task more efficiently or in a more up to date way. In reflecting on how the activity benefits the employer and/or service user, the registrant should consider how it improves efficiency in the workplace, how it provides greater knowledge to improve working practice in the immediate or wider working area and/or how it meets a strategic objective.

Step 5: Submit it

For those who are selected for IPEM's CPD Scheme Audit, IPEM will require registrants to submit their summary record of CPD activities via mycareerpath® using the Reporting tool or completing and uploading the Summary of CPD Activity form. 

CPD Webinar

If you have been selected for audit this webinar will help you prepare...


Other CPD Resources

CPD Audit

The HCPC audits a sample of CPD records on their register every two years whilst the other bodies carry out an annual audit.  The IPEM CPD Scheme has been designed to fulfil the requirements of these regulatory and registration bodies.