Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Inclusiveness is one of our three key strategic values and we want it to be part of  everything we do and every decision we take - as a professional body and as an employer.  

Our commitment is to create a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion by:

  • Focusing on ‘equity’ rather than ‘equality’ to create greater opportunities for minoritised people to fulfil their scientific potential.
  • Challenging inequities and creating more inclusive practices and policies.
  • Appointing an EDI Trustee who, in partnership with the senior leadership in the National Office will advocate the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion, and be accountable for our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy, improving practice and communicating our EDI approach to our staff, membership and other stakeholders.
  • Measuring, assessing and reflecting on progress and reporting on our activities to our staff and members.
  • Collaborating and sharing good practice with other professional bodies and linking up with other relevant organisations

It matters to us and it matters to our members

"I'd like to say that as a member of the LGBTQ+ community the fact that IPEM is taking these issues seriously is quite assuring"

"The unique challenges that are put in our paths, which reflect our backgrounds and individuality, most certainly differ and we are grateful they are being addressed by IPEM.”

Our partners and connections

Part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion is to work with other organisations so we can share best practice and support other activities. 

If you would like to connect with us, work with us or comment please contact diversity@ipem.ac.uk  


Resources of interest