Renewing and Upgrading Your Membership

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All IPEM membership subscriptions are set to expire on the 31st of December each year. New members joining part way through the year will have their first years membership charged on a pro-rata basis based on how many week remain in the year. 

Members who pay their subscription via annual direct debit will be automatically renewed in early January each year. Monthly direct debits will continue to be paid as normal each month. 

Those who pay by invoice will be contacted in December to invite them to pay their subscription fees for the following year. Payments can be made through your IPEM online account. All invoiced members will have until the end of February to pay their renewal invoices. Any unpaid invoices after the February renewal deadline will be cancelled and a re-instatement fee of £22.00 in additional to the annual subscription fee will be required for lapsed members wishing to rejoin.

If you currently pay your membership fee by invoice but would like to switch to an annual or monthly direct debit, please download the direct debit form below and return it to - Please note that we cannot accept typed signatures on direct debit forms. 



As your career progresses you may find that you become eligible to apply for a higher level of membership. For example, undergraduate students with Affiliate level memberships can become Associate members once they enter employment in the fields of physics or engineering or medicine or move on to postgraduate study. Associate level members may upgrade to full membership once they gain a professional registration from an institution such as:

  • HCPC
  • RCT
  • AHCS
  • Engineering Council
  • Science Council
  • IOP

If you wish to upgrade your membership you just need to fill out an application for the level of membership you wish to upgrade to and include the details of your current membership in the relevant fields. If you have already paid your annual membership fee for your previous level of membership you will only be charged the difference in price between the two levels on a pro-rate basis based on the remaining weeks left in the calendar year.

Routes to membership

Routes to membership

Find out if you are eligible to upgrade your membership

Apply to Upgrade

Select the level of membership you wish to upgrade to and submit an application

Direct Debit Form

Direct Debit Form

Download this form and return it to to switch your membership subscription to pay via direct debit