IPEM’s Prizes and Awards recognise the exceptional achievements of our members across healthcare, academia and industry.
From scientific excellence to public engagement, we honour the diverse contributions and impact our members make. We want to celebrate your dedication and hard work by giving you the recognition you deserve!
Applications for 2025 are now open!
Closing date is 16th May 2025.
Why apply?
Gain recognition for your outstanding achievements or showcase someone else’s by nominating another.
We celebrate the accomplishments of the Prize and Award winners with the wider Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering community through IPEMs various media channels. Take a look at our inspiring winners from last year.
Gold Medal Awards

IPEM's Gold Medals are awarded for outstanding contributions to practice at a national leading or internationally competitive level. These medals reward contributions in three key areas: Academic, healthcare or innovation.
- Open any IPEM member who has been a member for at least one year.
- Applications can be self-nominations or nominations put forward by colleagues.
Rewards: The winner will receive £500 prize money, an IPEM medal and a certificate.
Refer to the Gold Medal Award Guidance Notes for further information.
Early Career Awards

IPEM has 3 awards for early career representatives within the first 12 years of their career. These medals reward significant contributions to practice at a nationally competitive and leading level in three key areas: Academia, healthcare or innovation.
- Open any IPEM member who has been a member for at least one year.
- Candidate must be within the first 12 years of their career.
- Applications can be self-nominations or nominations put forward by colleagues.
Rewards: The winner will receive £300 prize money, an IPEM medal and a certificate.
Refer to the Early Career Award Guidance Notes for further information.
Team Award

The IPEM Team Award is awarded to any team, group or collaboration, for working well towards a collective goal for the betterment of patient care. These teams may be working on a project with a specific end point in mind or have a long-standing good working relationship. Collaborations between clinicians and academics are encouraged.
The team must be working on something to further IPEMs charitable objectives (for instance patient care) either directly or indirectly. This work may be directly and presently impacting patient care, or novel and innovative, with a view to patient benefit in the future.
- Open any team, group or collaboration consisting of 3 or more people.
- At least one team member must be an IPEM member.
- Applications can be self-nominations or nominations put forward by colleagues.
Rewards: The winning team will receive £1000 prize money (to be shared equally amongst team) and a certificate for each team member.
Refer to the Team Award Guidance Notes for further information.
Spiers' Prize for Outreach

The Spiers' Prize for Outreach is awarded to any member who demonstrates how they have improved education, raised public awareness, or inspired future generations in the fields of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering through public engagement or voluntary activities.
The intended audience for outreach includes members of the public, such as school children, adults, and patients, but excludes fellow professionals or government agencies.
- Open any IPEM member.
- Applications can be self-nominations or nominations put forward by colleagues.
Rewards: The winner will receive £300 prize money and a certificate.
Refer to the Spiers' Prize For Outreach Guidance Notes for further information.
Roy Ellis Patient Benefit Award

The Roy Ellis Patient Benefit Award is awarded to any member for a specific piece of work or project that benefits patients. This may be directly, for example, designing a novel device or indirectly, for example, producing an information leaflet or providing advice on a website. If you have benefited patients in any way, no matter how, it will be considered.
- Open any IPEM member.
- Applications can be self-nominations or nominations put forward by colleagues.
Rewards: The winner will receive £300 prize money and a certificate.
Refer to the Roy Ellis Patient Benefit Guidance Notes for further information.
IPEM/WCSIM Essay Prize

The IPEM and the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers (WCSIM) Essay prize is open to members of either organisation who are in the early stages of their career, typically within 10-15 years of graduation or of commencing their relevant employment.
- Open any IPEM or WCSIM member.
- Candidate must be within the early stages of their career (10-15 years of graduation or commencing their relevant employment).
Rewards: The winner will receive £500 prize money and a certificate, which are presented at the WCSIM Annual Banquet in October.
Refer to the IPEM/WCSIM Essay Prize Guidance Notes for further information.
Applications are currently closed. The 2025 essay title will be announced when applications open in Spring 2025.
President's Gold Medal for Exceptional Service
The President's Gold Medal is awarded to members of the Institute for exceptional service to IPEM.
Previous recipients include:
- Mr Robin McDade for contributions to and advocating for technologist training
- Prof Richard Lerski for contributions to accreditation and professional standards
- Dr Elizabeth Parvin for services to outreach and accreditation