Incorporated Engineer (IEng)

Pathways to professional registration
Developed collaboratively by an Engineering the Future (EtF) working group and the Engineering Council, the online Pathways to professional registration toolkit is designed to support technicians in their progression to IEng status. Launched on 19 January 2018, the toolkit is now available to use and there is also a short animated video online, demonstrating how the toolkit works. The toolkit includes case studies of registrants who have progressed from EngTech to IEng and give their first-hand experience of the process.

Recognition of Qualifications
INTERIM IEng registration for early career applicants Interim IEng registration shows your commitment to the profession and intention to work towards registration, demonstrating that you have the underpinning knowledge and understanding required. For an Interim IEng application please complete the Application for Recognition of Qualifications Form to have your qualifications checked by our Engineering Registrars, so they can form an assessment.

Apply for Full IEng registration
FULL IEng registration for later career applicants When you believe you can demonstrate the required professional competences and commitment for IEng (as set out in UK-SPEC), you will be assessed in a process known as the professional review. This includes submitting a detailed report demonstrating how you meet the requirements and an interview, which will take place in either London or York. If you do not already have Interim IEng registration then, as part of the application for Full IEng registration, please complete the Application for Recognition of Qualifications Form to have your qualifications checked by our Engineering Registrars, so they can form an assessment.
Useful Links

Engineering Council IEng resources
Explore the resources available to IEng applicants on the Engineering Council Website